This may seem a little strange to say that we do not guarantee results. To double down on this we will say that ANY company that does guarantee results is being dishonest!
This is why any SEO agency worth its salt will never offer guaranteed results:
The search results ranking is totally at the discretion of the search engine, SEO professionals cannot directly change or adjust this. Search engines update their algorithms regularly with the sole purpose of improving results for their users and not business owners and their websites.
What we can do as an SEO agency is implement organic best practice SEO, following the strict guidelines laid down by Google. The long-term outcome is a strong established website that ranks well results but by the nature of search algorithms, this rank will fluctuate.
The core pillars for ethical SEO are: Results – Transparency – Evidence
We estimate the results we can achieve in a certain period. We can’t predict the exact number of keywords you will rank for or how much your traffic will increase. However, we can give you a good probability!
Results can be affected by factors outside of our control like search algorithm updates and your competitor’s SEO efforts.
We always have a good reason for every SEO decision. However, we do not expect you to take our word for it! We cite and link to Google’s recommendations and requirements to back up any decision that we make. This means that you can rest assured knowing that we are following SEO best practices.
For example: We supply an SEO description of an issue that needs to be improved to help with ranking. Accompanying this, we also provide a prescribed approach to accomplish this task.